Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - RMZ

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | RMZ | Events | RMZ Jour fixe/ The Primacy of Problems: Aporetic Political Technologies and Democratic Innovations

RMZ Jour fixe/ The Primacy of Problems: Aporetic Political Technologies and Democratic Innovations

Anke Gruendel (Department of Cultural History and Theory/ Humboldt University of Berlin)
  • RMZ Jour fixe/ The Primacy of Problems: Aporetic Political Technologies and Democratic Innovations
  • 2023-06-28T11:00:00+02:00
  • 2023-06-28T23:59:59+02:00
  • Anke Gruendel (Department of Cultural History and Theory/ Humboldt University of Berlin)
  • When Jun 28, 2023 from 11:00
  • Where RMZ, Schönhauser Allee 10-11, Raum 4.35 und Zoom
  • iCal

Contemporary anticipation methods––such as scenario-planning or even public-sector design which are ubiquitous in our contemporary political landscape––are often understood as deeply apolitical or even anti-democratic. As a matter of course, such practices are associated with instrumental rationality and technocratic governmental forms which are opposed to genuine political practices. I contest such conventional interpretations of contemporary anticipatory practices and offer a genealogical inquiry into what became known as aporetics: a set of methods and procedures developed to address the fundamental aporias in political epistemologies of postwar American (R&D). Tracing the development of future-oriented methods like the Delphi method or strategic gaming, I argue that what they have in common is a procedural orientation towards the orchestration of contestation. Contemporary anticipatory methods that inherit this quality are therefore marked not by an absence of authentic politics understood as agonism but rather by a fundamental transformation in what it means to be political when facing uncertain and plural futures.