Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - RMZ

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | RMZ | Research Activities

Research Activities

The Berlin metropolitan region and its research activities are the main research subjects for the RMZ. The diversity of the Berlin research landscape with its universities, technical colleges, non-university research institutions, museums, collections and their cooperation with industry, politics and civil society also offers a wide range of opportunities to empirically research on relevant questions. In connection with forms of “institutional research”, this region should benefit from the work first. Currently, it focusses on the following topics:

  • Quality and Integrity of Research
  • Young talents and careers
  • University governance
  • Data infrastructures and indicators

The aim is to involve the researched subject in the cognitive process in a collaborative manner and to not only produce knowledge for science studies itself, but also for the researched subject; be it universities, disciplines, individual researchers, politics, industry or civil society.


These are the current research projects:

Berliner Forschungslandschaft - Berlin Science Survey (BSS)
Datafying Universities: The social construction of organizations as statistical units
Disapeer: The reconfiguration of peers in editorial review
Matters of Research Assessment and its Implementation (MAI)
Publication Bias

Replication as a Social Movement: A Cartography of (internal) Replication Initiatives in the Behavioral, Social, and Cognitive Sciences


Wider societal value of research and consequences of its assessment: A multi-country and multi-method study MultiSocVal

Associated Projects:


Negotiating evidence in exceptional times

Completed Projects:

Automated Misconduct Detection

KETAK - New Paths in University Medicine

→ Navigating Societal Impact


→ Societal Impact @ BUA
Diversität und Anpassungsfähigkeit des Peer Review – zur Metastabilität von Peer Review-Formaten
Vorarbeiten zum Aufbau eines modularen Kompetenzkonzepts im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzwerks Bibliometrie (Vamoko)
Kritische Bestandsaufnahme der Entwicklung des BIH Charité (Junior) Clinician Scientist Programs
Translation zwischen Innovation, Transfer und Evaluation
Nachwuchsgruppe "Reflexive Metrics – Rückwirkungen und Praktiken quantifizierter Wertordnungen in der Wissenschaft"