Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - RMZ

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | RMZ | Events | RMZ Jour fixe/ Liberal Epistemologies, Participatory Initiatives, and the Current Existential Crisis of Democracy

RMZ Jour fixe/ Liberal Epistemologies, Participatory Initiatives, and the Current Existential Crisis of Democracy

Justo Serrano Zamora (Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Málaga)
  • When Dec 13, 2023 from 11:00
  • Where RMZ, Schönhauser Allee 10/11, room 4.35 and via zoom
  • iCal

In my talk, I explore two main responses to democracy’s current existential crisis and their mutual relation. On the one hand, many argue that we should address phenomenon of post-truth and its negative effects on democratic politics by cultivating citizens’ capacity to build their own, autonomous, judgements. On the other hand, many defend the need of participatory initiatives as a way of bringing citizens to identify with their political institutions. I argue that participatory initiatives are often jeopardized by the epistemological assumptions that draw from the current liberal struggle against post-truth. Instead of promoting liberal epistemological orientations among citizens, we need to draw on socialist or cooperative epistemologies, which make sure that citizens cultivate the necessary (social) conditions to sustain and expand projects of political participation.

